Pre-Term Labor – Oy Oy Oy (Part 2)

This should answer any questions on my current state or if you just want to know what’s going on or shall I say not going on :0)

Sunday night I started to have regular contractions again (every 2-3 min. lasting 1 min. each). After a little more than an hour I called the Doctor & they insisted I go in (to OSF) and be monitored. So after much reluctancy we went back in. I BEGGED for no IV & they kindly obliged. I was monitored for about 1 1/2 hrs at which contractions had slowed & so after 2 hrs I was sent home – YAY!!! This was still very frustrating though b/c I thought the meds were supposed to make so I didn’t contract regularly.

On Wednesday I had a doctors apt. When I got there they immediately set me up on the non-stress-test — This measures baby’s heart rate while also measuring contractions & I was on that for probably 30 min. The results showed that yes I was having contractions but nothing major (I could have told them that…)

After that I got “checked” (if you don’t know what it means then you probably shouldn’t…) I also got checked for my Group B blah blah blah at this point also (Glad that is done!!) Since Sun. (my last visit to the hospital) I had dilated a “finger tip” I am not sure what that means but I consider it a 1 or slightly smaller than a 1 – this shows that my contractions are changing my body.

Here are some questions I asked:
**How long am I on bed rest? Well since you made it to 35 wks you are no longer on strict bed rest..But you can’t: go out, go shopping, cook, clean, care for your kids & etc. Basically I have roaming permission I can go from bed to couch to chair & wander around my house.
**Can I go to my knitting night? Your what?!?! (with a laugh) my knitting night I get together with a group of ladies & sit and knit…He laughed and said yes that is fine :0)
**How long do I contract at home before calling and heading to the hospital? A few hrs! (YIKES! but at least I don’t have to keep going every other day!)
**Once I am off my medicine at 37 wks and start contracting like crazy do I just have my baby? No. Legally you must dilate to around a 3 to show you are in actual labor & progressing otherwise we cannot operate before 39 wks
****SO I am supposed to sit at home contracting like CRAZY & just deal with it if I don’t dilate????!!!! Yes. But chances are if you are contracting a lot your body will kick into gear & dilate.

Here are some questions people have been asking me…
**Are you really not doing anything? Yes I am really not doing anything at this point as excited as I am to meet my little boy I do not want to. It is for the best interest of our baby that he stays in & so NO I do not do anything b/c then I contract & I want a healthy baby most of all.
**Do you have a name yet? Yes we do have a name. 1st & Middle – No we are not sharing :0)
**Do you still have contractions? Yes. The medicine doesn’t stop contractions it just stops the regularity of them (I don’t normally have them every 2 min. for hours…) but on average I still have about 4 or 5 every hr. and that is with me just sitting on my bum.
**When are you going to have your baby? I don’t know. I am hoping during the 37th wk sometime (somewhere around Aug. 13th). At that point I will be full-term & off my medicine & I really don’t want to labor for 2 wks until I can get to 39 wks. So pray that at 37ish I dilate & can have my baby…Otherwise stay away from me b/c if I have to have regular contractions for 2 wks before having my baby I will not be a happy camper :0)
**Are you going crazy?? No I am not. I knit & watch netflix (Drop Dead Diva..strange show but entertaining non-the-less) God has given me a peace about this is just where I am right now & so yes I get bored & yes I want to help out around the house but when the health of your baby is at risk it makes it pretty easy (for me) to really just stay put. I am truly putting my selfish desires aside & focusing on the bright side of things.

I have started a new devotional 1,000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp & this helps me to keep a positive attitude as well.

Thank you everyone most of all for your prayers, help, meals & offers of help they are all so very much appreciated!!!

next blog: Entwined Cowl (finished knitting project)


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