Dominic is 5 months

Quick update: Life is good. Life is busy.

Oliver (4) is in PreSchool and goes Monday & Wednesday 8:30-11:30 (He loves it!) he is also in Speech (Tuesdays 9-9:45) He loves that as well. He loves to color, craft, build w/ blocks & legos & do puzzles.

Gia (2.5) looks forward to CBS (Community Bible Study) each week & can’t wait to start pre-school someday! She is busy learning to count & helping mommy do all sorts of mommy things. She currently is into playing with her babies…She has named her Dora baby “Alfred” I have no idea where that came from!

Dominic (5 mos) is the happiest baby around! He literally hardly ever cries unless he is hungry or tired. We started feeding him baby food last week and it has been a real challenge…Today was the first real successful day & it might be because I let him have banana’s instead of sweet potatoes :0)

Dusty is busy with work & still trying to finish that basement (3 kids 4 and under has proven to make this difficult!)

I am busy with the kids, taking them places, caring for them & etc. I look forward to 8:30 when the kids have been in bed for 30 min. and I can just sit and breathe! I am also learning to lean more and more on Jesus as I can’t do it on my own. Being a Mom is hard work & trust in Jesus to give me grace upon grace & more & more wisdom to raise each of my children in the way that best suits them & qualities (and challenges)

Hopefully I can try to keep up more, but we shall see!

Here are some pictures of Dominic I took today…The others joined in also! I tried my best…I was sitting in the living room as the light was coming in and I thought oh perfect! unfortunately I didn’t have him dressed in what I would have otherwise & same with Oliver & Gia…They were in their comfy-cozy clothes & had not been cleaned up after lunch..Oh well :0)

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