Gia’s Big Girl Room

So her big girl room is all done! YAY! She has been doing great in her bed! At this point she still waits for us to come and get her in the morning & after her nap.

My inspiration for the bedroom came from the curtains. I had made them for her before she was born & just thought they were kind of “whimsical” I loved that they were girly but not cheesy. So I painted her room a pinkish/peachy color & I love it! It is so fresh!

My next idea was that I wanted it “soft” and slightly rustic to go against the pink. So we added my old college bed (Love the wood frame) and the mirror & “coat rack”.

After that I decided to just pull some of the colors that were in the curtain out and onto the bed which is why it is that yellowish/green color, same with the blue pillow.

Anyways, hope you like it, I had fun doing it but I am SO glad it is done!!!

Gia’s Potty Training Experience

Gia showed a lot of interest in being potty trained which is why I did it so early. Oliver didn’t get potty trained until he was about 2 3/4 & it was a breeze! I started in the morning and by noon he was done!!! So Gia has been more difficult for me even though she has done great! I try not to compare the two but it is nearly impossible…

Anyways, the main sign she showed was that she always wanted to sit on the potty whenever anyone wanted to. She never actually went but always got the biggest smile and then would say “I DONE!” after about 3 seconds :0) So I told myself after vacation I would potty train her. The first week back from vacation we said bye bye to the Paci!!! And week 2 (this past week) we said hello to the big girl potty…this week (week 3) she is moving to a big girl bed!!! YIKES!!!

Here is what our days looked like, I am recording this for those of you who want to potty train & like to look at what options are out there, I am also doing it so I can refer back when it is time to potty train the little boy in my belly!!

So, Sunday night I moved the coffee table to the side of my rug & laid out blankets all over my nice wool rug, got a towel placed it on the wood floor (to catch drips..) and put the potty right in front of the t.v. I also added a nice little “table” (upside down box) next to it to hold a few books & LOTS of sippy cups of juice! And she basically sat there and watched movies, of course she got up and ran around but it would be right back to “Gia sit on the potty”

****WARNING!!!!!**** Stop Reading here if you do not want to know about her poop & pee schedule!!!!

Here is what the days looked like (Day 1 not recorded)

Day 2: She pretty much stayed in front of the tv most of the day so within 3 ft. of her potty pretty much all day.
7:15ish – woke up
8:45 – pee
9:15 – pee
11:00 – pee
11:30 – pee & poop on the floor!!! YUCK!!!! (she then walked in it..) Very discouraged mommy!
12:25 – pee
1:40 – pee & poop
1:55-3:35 – Nap (little pee in diaper)
4:15 – pee
6:15 – pee
7:45 – pee

Day 3: I gave her a little more freedom but the potty was still in the living room. This was the first day we ventured outside :0)
7:30 – up (little pee in diaper)
8:00 – pee (went by herself! as in I didn’t tell her to sit on the potty she just did)
9:25 – pee & poop
10:30 – pee
11:10 – poop
12:50 – pee
1:15-3:15 – Nap (Diaper VERY full of pee…)
6:30 – pee (alone!)
7:50 – pee (alone)

Day 4: Potty chair still out in the living room but she was allowed to play in the play room & go freely around the house.
7: 35 – Up (little pee in diaper)
8:00 – Pee
8:45 – Poop (alone)
9:55 – Pee (alone)
10:30 – Pee (she had a reminder that when she needed to go she needed to sit on the potty)
11:30 – pee (alone)
11:55 – pee (alone)
1:15-3 – Nap (little pee in diaper)
3:50 – poop (alone)
5:50 – pee (alone)
7:05 – pee (alone)

Day 5: Potty chair moved to the bathroom
7:30 – up (pee in diaper)
8:40 – pee (while eating breakfast had an a LITTLE accident on her chair)
9:20 – pee (alone)
10:25 – poop (alone)
12:30 – pee (told to sit on the potty, pulled her panties down, walked away & came back she had them back on and was peeing…on the potty but non the less :0)
1:20-3:15 – Nap (pee in diaper)
6:10 – pee (on floor but finished in the potty)
7:30 – pee (on big potty before taking a tubby)

Day 6: Saturday – she did pretty well, she started to get more stubborn

Day 7: Sunday, 1st day out!!!! We went to church and she was reminded every 20 min. but never went not even an accident! We left at noon (I wasn’t feeling well) came home & within 5 min. of being home ran to the potty & peed A TON!!!! Later that day we went to Nana & Papa’s where she peed her pants & then later pooped her pants..Sigh..

Day 8: Monday (Memorial Day) she was doing fine & then pooped in her pants (note remove pants when at home!) She did fine the rest of the day until we were in her room & I was sweeping the floors, she was in her closet (its a walk in & has her toys in it) and couldn’t get out & I couldn’t hear her & she pooped on the floor again :0( She was so sad & ashamed…She is learning though!

Overall it has been a good experience, exhausting!!! but good…I was homebound Sunday – Saturday (except 3 hours on thursday) I wanted to die!!! I feel like I was literally going insane! I was in a permanent stage of grouchieness!!!

Anyways thanks for reading, & I’ll be posting more about vacation & Gia’s big girl room reveal (she goes to her big girl bed tomorrow!)

Vacation – Sea World

When we initially talked about going on vacation I said I wanted a beach and Dusty googled all the Sea World’s in North America. We narrowed our to vacation to either Texas or Florida. Due to cost & distance we chose Florida. Isn’t that pretty cute though, we just had to go to Sea World! :0)

So for Dusty’s birthday present I said okay let’s go! It was about an hour away from where we were staying, not bad! We headed out at around 9ish got gas & a starbucks & arrived around 10:30. I was really excited that we were going during an off time so it wouldn’t be so crazy. Spring Break was over & School wasn’t out for the summer yet. It was a beautiful day, trying at times but overall a great memory! We left at 7, when the park closed & the kids slept VERY well that night!

Here are lots of pictures :0)