Update on Life

Oliver started Pre-School this past week. He loved it!

However he did have a “run-in” with his teacher’s aide. They had playground time the first day and she took them to the small one instead of the bigger one (the small one is probably for like a 1-2 yr old) and so he told me he asked her if they could play on the big one & she said “you’re not big enough” (Oliver’s words) and so he asked me if I could talk to her the next time I saw her & I said I would ask but if she said no then that is that & he can’t complain about it again…He then said “Well I have an idea…” I asked him what that was & he said “We could throw her in THE LIONS DEN!!!” :0)

He also had a hard time understanding that we leave school supplies at school & not every day do you use everything. After his second day he said he really liked it and said “I want to go everyday!!!” So that made me feel good!

Another funny story yesterday while he was napping I heard him sleep talking/yelling (b/c it is so loud) saying “I Know, I know!” I thought hmm I wonder if that is what he did at school!

Gia is feeling very left out & cries when we drop him off & cries when we pick him up because she wants to go to school & play with the kitchen. However, it was so nice just having Gia home yesterday for a few hours!! I forgot how easy one kid is!!!

An update on me. Not much is different. Last week I took myself off bed rest being full-term and also went off of my medicine. I am still having contractions but nothing regular enough to give reason to have the baby. Yesterday during the day until now I have been having a lot of contractions, hard ones…So I am hoping it is leading to something and not just the way it is going to be until Tuesday!!

That is what is going on here, I hope all is well in your neighborhood!

Entwined Cowl

Well I promised my next blog would be about the Entwined Cowl (sorry it took so long, I have been a little un-motivated when it comes to blogging). I first saw this at Market in Columbus, OH. I thought it was so cute & thought “Oh, well that won’t be too hard”. It went fast as in it only took a few days to make & assemble BUT it was a slow process. You knit 8 long but narrow pieces until they are about 3 ft long, so by the end it was a little mind numbing & I pushed through so I wouldn’t have to look at it again! :0)

Once I was done I had to block it & assemble it. I thought this would take me about 1 hour…It took 4! AHH…have you ever “braided” 8 pieces before? It is a bit tricky. Non-the-less here are the details!

Entwined Cowl
Pattern by ~ Tanis Gray
Yarn ~ 3 skeins Satisfaction by Simply Sweet (2 Pine & 1 Winter White)
1 skein Whipped Cream by Simply Sweet (Moss)

Next Blog: Either update or Neckerchief (it is to die for!!)

Pre-Term Labor – Oy Oy Oy (Part 2)

This should answer any questions on my current state or if you just want to know what’s going on or shall I say not going on :0)

Sunday night I started to have regular contractions again (every 2-3 min. lasting 1 min. each). After a little more than an hour I called the Doctor & they insisted I go in (to OSF) and be monitored. So after much reluctancy we went back in. I BEGGED for no IV & they kindly obliged. I was monitored for about 1 1/2 hrs at which contractions had slowed & so after 2 hrs I was sent home – YAY!!! This was still very frustrating though b/c I thought the meds were supposed to make so I didn’t contract regularly.

On Wednesday I had a doctors apt. When I got there they immediately set me up on the non-stress-test — This measures baby’s heart rate while also measuring contractions & I was on that for probably 30 min. The results showed that yes I was having contractions but nothing major (I could have told them that…)

After that I got “checked” (if you don’t know what it means then you probably shouldn’t…) I also got checked for my Group B blah blah blah at this point also (Glad that is done!!) Since Sun. (my last visit to the hospital) I had dilated a “finger tip” I am not sure what that means but I consider it a 1 or slightly smaller than a 1 – this shows that my contractions are changing my body.

Here are some questions I asked:
**How long am I on bed rest? Well since you made it to 35 wks you are no longer on strict bed rest..But you can’t: go out, go shopping, cook, clean, care for your kids & etc. Basically I have roaming permission I can go from bed to couch to chair & wander around my house.
**Can I go to my knitting night? Your what?!?! (with a laugh) my knitting night I get together with a group of ladies & sit and knit…He laughed and said yes that is fine :0)
**How long do I contract at home before calling and heading to the hospital? A few hrs! (YIKES! but at least I don’t have to keep going every other day!)
**Once I am off my medicine at 37 wks and start contracting like crazy do I just have my baby? No. Legally you must dilate to around a 3 to show you are in actual labor & progressing otherwise we cannot operate before 39 wks
****SO I am supposed to sit at home contracting like CRAZY & just deal with it if I don’t dilate????!!!! Yes. But chances are if you are contracting a lot your body will kick into gear & dilate.

Here are some questions people have been asking me…
**Are you really not doing anything? Yes I am really not doing anything at this point as excited as I am to meet my little boy I do not want to. It is for the best interest of our baby that he stays in & so NO I do not do anything b/c then I contract & I want a healthy baby most of all.
**Do you have a name yet? Yes we do have a name. 1st & Middle – No we are not sharing :0)
**Do you still have contractions? Yes. The medicine doesn’t stop contractions it just stops the regularity of them (I don’t normally have them every 2 min. for hours…) but on average I still have about 4 or 5 every hr. and that is with me just sitting on my bum.
**When are you going to have your baby? I don’t know. I am hoping during the 37th wk sometime (somewhere around Aug. 13th). At that point I will be full-term & off my medicine & I really don’t want to labor for 2 wks until I can get to 39 wks. So pray that at 37ish I dilate & can have my baby…Otherwise stay away from me b/c if I have to have regular contractions for 2 wks before having my baby I will not be a happy camper :0)
**Are you going crazy?? No I am not. I knit & watch netflix (Drop Dead Diva..strange show but entertaining non-the-less) God has given me a peace about this is just where I am right now & so yes I get bored & yes I want to help out around the house but when the health of your baby is at risk it makes it pretty easy (for me) to really just stay put. I am truly putting my selfish desires aside & focusing on the bright side of things.

I have started a new devotional 1,000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp & this helps me to keep a positive attitude as well.

Thank you everyone most of all for your prayers, help, meals & offers of help they are all so very much appreciated!!!

next blog: Entwined Cowl (finished knitting project)
